antropologi food Social anthropology UBedu UBrss

Food anthropology and books about food and drinks in general.

Our Dragvoll book collection on food customs, food anthropology, food recipes and food and drinks in general is growing.

Food studies and research on different aspect of food is growing so I have tried my best to build a collection that hopefully will grow in «popularity».

You will find most of the physical books at 394.12 on the shelf, but we also have a growing electronical collection of books about food as a topic.

A quick search with the keyword food and anthropology with a limit to material type: e-books in ORIA gave me the following titles. (Not only limited to Dragvoll but to the whole of NTNU as the case is for all
our e-resources).


Universitetsbibliotekar med fagansvar for Afrikakunnskap, geografi og Sosialantropologi.

Research librarian for African studies, Geography and Social Anthropology

(Topic of interest: Gender studies)
Hovedfag i sosialantropologi våren 1996.
Masters Degree in Social Anthropology from 1996.

Lidenskapelig musikkelsker og musikksamler.
(Passionate music lover and music collector)

Lidenskapelig fjordfisker.
(Passionate fjordfisher)
Tech-savvy, langt over gjennomsnittlig interessert i teknologi!
(Very interested in technology...)

Av Joost Hegle

Universitetsbibliotekar med fagansvar for Afrikakunnskap, geografi og Sosialantropologi.

Research librarian for African studies, Geography and Social Anthropology

(Topic of interest: Gender studies)
Hovedfag i sosialantropologi våren 1996.
Masters Degree in Social Anthropology from 1996.

Lidenskapelig musikkelsker og musikksamler.
(Passionate music lover and music collector)

Lidenskapelig fjordfisker.
(Passionate fjordfisher)
Tech-savvy, langt over gjennomsnittlig interessert i teknologi!
(Very interested in technology...)

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