Courses Medicine and Health Library

Øya: Open courses in English from the library Fall 2019

The Medicine and Health Library offers many courses for staff and students in the Fall 2019.

Our open courses this semester are now available on our course page. We have courses in English in systematic searching using PubMed, advanced searching for PhD-students and EndNote. This semester we also offer courses in academic writing for PhD-students and researchers.

Academic writing Literature search Publishing Research

A ‘new’ PhD on Track

PhD on Track is a web resource aimed primarily at PhD candidates and early career researchers. The ambition is to provide an accessible point of departure for beginning researchers related to searching and reviewing scholarly literature, academic writing, and sharing and publishing reports and data. In this blog post we present some of the recent changes and revisions.

Databases Literature searching Medicine and Health Library Publishing Research

New database: Physical Education Index

The library is happy to announce that we again provide access to the database Physical Education Index. You can find it in our list of reccommended databases, or by searching for databases in The database covers movement science, a wide variety of sport activities, as well as teaching and training within these fields.

Literature search Medicine and Health Library UBedu

How to use the new Oria

Not quite familiar with the new version of Oria? Problems with ordering documents?

Watch the video on how to order documents in the new version of Oria. Subtitled in English.