Academic writing Courses Databases EndNote Health care Literature searching Medicine and Health Library Online lectures

Øya: Digital courses from the library

We are now able to offer digital courses from the Medicine and Health Library for the rest of the semester! The courses will be held via Zoom. See overview of courses with links to registration below.

Courses Medicine and Health Library

Øya: Open courses in English from the library Fall 2019

The Medicine and Health Library offers many courses for staff and students in the Fall 2019.

Our open courses this semester are now available on our course page. We have courses in English in systematic searching using PubMed, advanced searching for PhD-students and EndNote. This semester we also offer courses in academic writing for PhD-students and researchers.

Academic writing Courses Literature search Medicine and Health Library Publishing Research

Open courses in English from the Medicine and Health Library Spring 2019

Our open courses this semester are now available in our course page. We have courses in English in PubMed searching, advanced searching for PhD-students and EndNote. This semester we also offer courses in academic writing. For a list of all our courses you can go to the Norwegian course page.

Literature search Medicine and Health Library UBedu

How to use the new Oria

Not quite familiar with the new version of Oria? Problems with ordering documents?

Watch the video on how to order documents in the new version of Oria. Subtitled in English.

Courses Medicine and Health Library

Available courses Fall 2017

The Medicine and Health Library offers several open courses to students and staff belonging to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and St. Olavs Hospital. This semester we offer English language courses in PubMed, EndNote and Information Skills traing for PhD-students. Attending our courses is free of charge, but you have to register.