As a new student, the start of the semester can be quite overwhelming. There is a lot of information to digest, people to get to know and rooms to find. We give you a brief overview of what the Medicine and Health Library can help you with.
Category: UBedu
During the last weeks several comics and illustrations about COVID-19 have appeared online. Even if they are engaging not all convey reliable medical information. In this post we share comics and illustrations about the coronavirus and the ongoing pandemic with reliable information – both for adults and children.
The Corona outbreak has an impact on opening hours and borrowing of books, but the library’s digital resources in medicine and health are available 24/7.
From 12 August we extend our services and provide unstaffed library access from 07.00-08.30 for students and staff. Use your St.Olavs card to get access.
Get to know our new learning platform: ClinicalKey Student. Product Specialist Anne-Marie Scoones gave an introduction to the platform at the library March 27th 2019 – see the video recording here.