Academic writing Courses Databases EndNote Health care Literature searching Medicine and Health Library Online lectures

Øya: Digital courses from the library

We are now able to offer digital courses from the Medicine and Health Library for the rest of the semester! The courses will be held via Zoom. See overview of courses with links to registration below.

Biomedical Lectures Databases EndNote Henry Stewart Talks Medicine and Health Library Online lectures Reference management studies UBedu Ukategorisert Visible Body Zotero

Digital resources for medicine and health

The Corona outbreak has an impact on opening hours and borrowing of books, but the library’s digital resources in medicine and health are available 24/7.

Databases Research

A new PubMed is available

A new PubMed interface will be introduced next year. It is now possible to test new PubMed. In this blog post we provide a short introduction to the most important changes in the new interface.

Databases Literature searching studies UBedu

Work smart with e-books

Get to know our new learning platform: ClinicalKey Student. Product Specialist Anne-Marie Scoones gave an introduction to the platform at the library March 27th 2019 – see the video recording here.

Academic writing Databases Literature search Publishing Reference management Research UBedu

Do you have questions?

Do you have questions?

At the library desk we can answer many of them!

Colourful bubbles with the text Just ask - illustration