Medicine and Health Library

Useful e-resources for new students

The library offers more than printed books. We provide access to many electronic resources like e-books, anatomical atlases, dictionaries etc.

We have gathered all these resources in our Subject Page for Medicine and Health. You must be connected to the NTNU-network (directly on campus or by using VPN) to get access to our subscription resources.


The library provides many popular textbooks in medicine and health sciences as e-books.

If you can’t find your favorite textbook in the library, check if it is available as an e-book! E-books are usually available to everybody 24/7.

The library provides online versions of many popular textbooks in medicine. A list of the most relevant e-textbooks for medicine can be found on our “Medical e-textbooks” page (in Norwegian only), but do check the collections in our two learning platforms Clinical Key Student (250 titles) and MedOne Education (100 titles) for an overview of our e-texbooks from the publishers Elsevier and Thieme. You can also search for books and e-books in Oria.

The e-books have several features than can be used if you create a personal user on the learning platforms. It is possible to search, adjust font size, highlight text, add personal notes and create bookmarks. Creating a personal user also allow you to use the e-books outside the NTNU-network or download books for offline use.

Electronic anatomy and physiology resources

The library provides electronic e-resources for anatomy and physiology educations.

Visible Body is our new online anatomy atlas with five modules; Anatomy & Physiology, Human Anatomy AtlasAnatomy & FunctionPhysiology Animations og Muscle Premium. Human Anatomy Atlas is an interactive 3D model of the human body with many ways of interactive use (now also with an advanced «Cross Sections» module), while Muscle Premium has a focus on muscles and how they are involved in body movements. The module Anatomy & Physiology is a great introduction to physiology topics. Physiological Animations is a video module with 3D animations in physiology and pathology. It is possible to create a personal user in Visible Body and add notes, take quizzes etc. The modules in Visible Body are also available as apps for mobiles and tablets that can be used outside the NTNU-network.

You can test Visible body on our 86" touchscreen in the library.

Check out Visible Body on our 86″ touchscreen in the library.

Acland Anatomy conatins dissection videos that helps you learn anatomy.

Acland Anatomy contains videos of real bodies and dissection on these. A narrator comments the dissections, supported by text and arrows on the videos. A print version of the comments are available. It is possible to create a personal user to get access to several tests.

Anatomy and physiology online contain detailed information about physiology.

Anatomy & Physiology Online is an electronic learning platform for biological, physiological and chemical processes in the body. It contains 19 modules with 3D pictures and animations, in-dept texts, tests etc.  It is possible to download texts (pdf) and pictures/figures.

Drug information

Drug information can be found in Felleskatalogen og Norsk legemiddelhåndbok

Felleskatalogen og Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok contains drug information in Norwegian.


Dictionaries can be found in

The library subscribes to Ordnett, whic contains several dictionaries covering many languages. In addition you can find  and English-Norwegian medical dictionary and Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary.

Academic/Thesis writing

Thesis writing

Check out out page for academic/thesis writing.

Contact us if you have questions!

By Jan Ove Rein

Senior Research Librarian at the Medicine and Health Library.

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