Databaser UBrss

Ny database: Eighteenth Century Drama

NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket har nettopp anskaffet databasen/arkivet Eighteenth Century Drama: Censorship, Society and the Stage 


Om databasen:

The documents in Eighteenth Century Drama: Censorship, Society and the Stage have been indexed by key themes. When applying themes to the Larpent plays specifically, the first five themes listed are intended to contextualise the plays, whereas the final nine themes often relate to the content of the play. Click on the titles below to read short introductions on these major thematic areas.

Actor in costume. © The Garrick Club Library (Original Letters of Dramatic Performers. Collected…, 1820-1841, © The Garrick Club Library)

Nature and Scope:

Delve into the theatrical world of eighteenth century society and explore how the Larpent plays reflect the politics of the time, the role of women, views on race and religion, opinions on empire, and European and British history.

Eighteenth Century Drama features three distinct areas:

  • Primary source documents; the focus of which is the Larpent collection of plays and Anna Larpent’s Diaries
  • The London Stage Database; and
  • The Biographical Dictionary Database

Welcome to Eighteenth Century Drama