Databaser Diverse UBrss

Film ID: Prøvetilgang på database

Vi har prøvetilgang på databasen FILM ID (Film Industry Data) ut oktober.

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Om databasen:

«Film ID is an innovative way to analyse the film industry. This unique online tool provides access to vital data previously unavailable to students and researchers. It allows users to discover new insights and unlock a deeper understanding of film as a reflection of culture and society.»

«Lending rigour and depth to film study            

across a range of disciplines

Film ID gives academic institutions access to the information previously only available to entertainment industry executives. The rankings are particularly powerful – a graphical representation of rankings of 1,000 films per week delivers granular detail to inform research and facilitate new findings. The impact of new digital media channels on film performance is also revealed. The sales rankings tell the story of the impact of film on society and cultures.

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New book: The Multisensory Film Experience. A Cognitive Model of Experiential Film Aesthetics

Luis Antunes, phd candidate in film and aesthetics at Department of art and media has recently published the book The Multisensory Film Experience. A Cognitive Model of Experiential Film Aesthetics at Intellect Books (2016). Congratulations!

In the book, Antunes argues that our perceptual experiences of an audiovisual medium as film are multisensory and not directly limited to sight and hearing. He also examine the works of Gus Van Sant, Ki-Duk Kim and Knut Erik Jensen to explore what he calls their experiential film aesthetics, covering the vestibular sense, nociception and thermoception.

You will find the book in Dragvoll Library.

If you would like to examine the experiential film aesthetics in the works of Gus Van Sant, Ki-Duk Kim and Knut Erik Jensen, you will find some of their films in the library’s DVD collection.