Rao Martand Singh
Prof. Rao Martand Singh is a Professor of Geotechnical Engineering in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Energy and environment is close to his heart and he applies Geotechnical Engineering knowledge and experience to solve problems related to energy and environment.
Prof. Singh has got 15 years of global research experience in the area of geothermal energy pile foundations, energy tunnels, energy walls, ground source heat pump (GSHP), soil-structure interaction, nuclear waste disposal, gas/liquid flow characteristic of cement bentonite used in cut-off walls and borehole walls, thermal properties/suction measurement techniques and thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behaviour of unsaturated soils and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs). He is collaborating with industries to find practical solution of problems related to energy and environment. He has published extensively in reputed journals and conferences.
Prof. Singh has been through an adventurous journey of learning, teaching and research and worked/travelled around the world. Previously he worked at the University of Surrey, UK; Monash University, Australia and Cardiff University, UK. He obtained his PhD from Geoenvironmental Research Centre (GRC), Cardiff University; MTech from IIT Delhi, and BEng from MBM Engineering College Jodhpur, India. He is very concerned about global warming, soil/water/air pollution and animal rights. At personal level to tackle theses issues he is trying to keep his carbon foot print low by following plant based diet and walking or using public transport and having minimalist lifestyle.
Journal articles:
- Ogunleye, O., Singh, R.M. and Cecinato, F. (2020). Assessing the thermal efficiency of energy tunnels using numerical methods and Taguchi statistical approach. Applied Thermal Engineering. 116377 (doi.org/10.1016/ j.applthermaleng.2020.116377)
- Shekhawat, P., Sharma, G. and Singh, R.M. (2020). Microstructural and morphological development of eggshell powder and flyash-based geopolymers. Construction and Building Materials. 260: 119886 (doi.org/10.1016/j. conbuildmat.2020.119886)
- Acikel, A., Bouazza, A., Gates, W.P., Singh, R.M. and Rowe, R.K. (2020). A novel transient gravimetric monitoring technique implemented to GCL osmotic suction control. Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 48(6): 755-767 (doi.org /10.1016/j.geotexmem.2020.05.002)
- Ogunleye, O., Singh, R.M., Cecinato, F. and Choi, J.C. (2020). Effect of intermittent operation on the thermal efficiency of energy tunnels under varying tunnel air temperature. Renewable Energy. 146: 2646-2658 (doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.08.088)
- Morais, T.D.S.O., Tsuha, C.H.C., Neto, L.A.B. and Singh, R.M. (2020). Effects of Seasonal variations on the thermal response of energy piles in an unsaturated Brazilian tropical soil. Energy and Buildings. (doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2020. 109971)
- Sani, A.K. and Singh, R.M. (2020). Response of unsaturated soils to heating of geothermal energy pile. Renewable Energy 147: 2618-2632 (doi.org/10.1016/j. renene.2018.11.032)
- Sani, A.K., Singh, R.M., Tsuha, C.H.C. and Cavarretta, I. (2019). Pipe–pipe thermal interaction in a geothermal energy pile. Geothermics 81: 209–223. (doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2019.05.004)
- Valancius, R., Singh, R.M., Jurelionis, A. and Vaiciunas, J. (2019). Review of Heat Pump Systems and Applications in Cold Climates: Evidence from Lithuania. Energies. 12, 4331 (doi:10.3390/en12224331)
- Sani, A.K., Singh, R.M., Amis, T. and Cavarretta, I. (2019). A review on the performance of geothermal energy pile foundation, its design process and applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 106(C): 54-78. (doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2019.02.008)
- Shekhawat, P., Gunwant Sharma, G. and Singh, R.M. (2019). Strength behavior of alkaline activated eggshell powder and flyash geopolymer cured at ambient temperature. Construction and Building Materials. 223: 1112–1122. (doi.org/ 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.07.325)
- Acikel, A., Gates, W.P., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A. and Rowe, R.K. (2018). Insufficient initial hydration of GCLs from some subgrades: Factors and causes. Geotextile and Geomembrane. 46(6):770-781 (doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2018.06.007)
- Acikel, A., Gates, W.P., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A., Fredlund, D.G. and Rowe, R.K. (2018) Time-Dependent Unsaturated Behaviour of Geosynthetic Clay Liners. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 55(12): 1824-1836 (doi.org/10.1139/cgj -2017-0646)
- Faisal, N.H., Sanaee, R., Singh, R.M., Murray, J., McLaughlin, A., Healy, D., Lee, T.L. (2018). Neutron scattering study of strain behaviour of porous rocks subjected to heating and unconfined uniaxial compression. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1106: 012011 (doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1106/1/ 012011)
- Bouazza, A., Rouf, M.A., Singh, R. M., Rowe, R. K. and Gates, W. P. (2017). Gas advection-diffusion in geosynthetic clay liners with powder and granular bentonites. Geosynthetics International, 24(6): 607-614. (doi:10.1680/jgein.17. 00027)
- Kantamaneni, K., Du, X., Aher, S. and Singh, R.M. (2017). Building blocks: a quantitative approach for evaluating coastal vulnerability. Water, 9: 905-920. (doi:10.3390/w9120905)
- Faizal, M., Bouazza, A. and Singh, R.M. (2016). Heat transfer enhancement of geothermal energy piles. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 57: 16-33. (doi:10.1016/j.rser.2015.12.065)
- Rouf, M.A., Bouazza, A. and Singh, R. M., Gates, W. P. and Rowe, R. K. (2016). A gas flow unified measurement system for measuring sequentially gas diffusion and gas permeability of partially hydrated geosynthetic clay liners. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53(6):1000-1012. (doi:10.1139/cgj-2015-0123)
- Ali, M.A., Bouazza, A. and Singh, R.M., Gates,W.P. and Rowe, R.K. (2016). Thermal conductivity of Geosynthetic Clay Liners. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53(9): 1510-1521 (doi:10.1139/cgj-2015-0585)
- Rouf, M. A., Bouazza, A., Singh, R. M., Gates, W. P. and Rowe, R. K. (2016). Water vapour adsorption and desorption in GCLs. Geosynthetics International, 23(2): 86-99. (doi:10.1680/jgein.15.00034)
- Faizal, M., Bouazza, A. and Singh, R.M. (2016). An Overview of Ocean Thermal and Geothermal Energy Conversion Technologies and Systems. International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, 24(3): 1630006. (doi: 10.1142/ S2010132516300068)
- Faizal, M., Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M. (2016). An experimental investigation of the influence of intermittent and continuous operating modes on the thermal behaviour of a full scale geothermal energy pile. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment Journal, 8: 8-29. (doi: 10.1016/j.gete.2016.08.001)
- Rouf, M. A.,Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M., Gates, W. P. and Rowe, R. K.(2015). Gas migration through geomembrane/ geosynthetic clay liner composite liner with a defect in the geomembrane. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2(57): 1972-1977. (doi.org /10.3208/jgssp.TC215-07)
- Acikel, A., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A., Gates,W.P. and Rowe, R.K. (2015). Applicability and accuracy of the initially dry and initially wet contact filter paper tests for matric suction measurement of geosynthetic clay liners. Geotechnique, 65(9):780-787. (doi:10.1680/geot.13.P.222)
- Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A. and Wang, B (2015). Near-field ground thermal response to heating of a geothermal energy pile: Observations from a field test. Soils and Foundations, 55(6):1412–1426. (doi:10.1016/j.sandf.2015.10.007)
- Yu, K.L., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A. and Bui, H.H. (2015). Determining soil thermal conductivity through numerical simulation of a heating test on a heat exchanger pile. Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 33 (2):239-252. (doi:10.1007/s10706-015-9870-z)
- Barry-Macaulay, D., Bouazza, A., Wang, B, and Singh, R.M. (2015). Evaluation of soil thermal conductivity models. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 52(11): 1892-1900. (doi: 10:1139/CGJ2014-0518)
- Wang, B., Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M., Haberfield, C., Barry-Macaulay, D. and Baycan, S. (2015). Post-temperature effects on shaft capacity of a full scale geothermal energy pile. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 141(4): 04014125. (doi:10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001266)
- Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M., Rowe, R.K. and Gassner, F. (2014). Heat and moisture migration in composite liners subjected to hot brine. Journal of Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 42(5): 555-563. (doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem. 2014.08.002)
- Rouf, M.A., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A. and Rowe, R.K. (2014). Gas permeability of partially hydrated geosynthetic clay liner under two stress conditions. ICE Environmental Geotechnics. [doi:10.1680/envgeo.14.00009]
- Barry-Macaulay, D., Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M. and Wang, B. (2014). Thermal properties of Victorian soil and rock. Australian Geomechanics Journal, 49(2): 31-44.
- Cleall, P.J., Singh, R.M. and Thomas, H.R. (2013). Vapour transfer in unsaturated compacted bentonite. Geotechnique, 63(11):957-964. [doi:10.1680 /geot.12.P.147]
- Singh, R.M. and Bouazza, A. (2013). Thermal conductivity of geosynthetics. Journal of Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 39: 1-8. [doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem 2013.06.02]
- Barry-Macaulay, D., Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M. and Wang, B. and Ranjith, P.G. (2013). Thermal conductivity of soils and rocks from the Melbourne region. Engineering Geology, 164:131-138. [doi.10.1016/j.enggeo.2013.06.014]
- Bouazza, A., Zornberg, J., McCartney, J. and Singh, R.M. (2013). Unsaturated geotechnics applied to geoenvironmental engineering problems involving geosynthetics. Engineering Geology, 165: 143-153. [doi.10.1016/j.enggeo.2012. 11.018]
- Al-Otaibi, F.A., Wegian, F.M., Alnaki, A.A., Almutairi, S.K. and Singh, R.M. (2012). Effect of bitumen addition on the long-term permeability of sabkha soil. KJSE 39(2B): 131-147.
- Wang, B., Bouazza, A., Barry-Macaulay, D., Singh, R.M., Webster, M., Haberfield, C., Chapman, G. and Baycan, S. (2012). Field and laboratory investigation of a heat exchanger pile. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, 225: 4396-4405. [doi:10.1061/9780784412121.452]
- Cleall, P.J., Singh, R.M. and Thomas, H.R. (2011). Non-isothermal moisture movement in unsaturated kaolin: An experimental and theoretical investigation. ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 34(5): 514-524. [doi: 10.1520/GTJ1035 85]
- Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M., Wang, B., Barry-Macaulay, D., Haberfield, C., Chapman, G., Baycan, S. and Carden, Y. (2011). Harnessing on site renewable energy through pile foundations. Australian Geomechanics Journal, 46(4): 79-90.
- De Moel, M., Bach, P.M., Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M. and Sun, J.O. (2010). Technological advances and application of geothermal energy pile foundations and their feasibility in Australia. International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14: 2683-2696. [doi:10.1016/j.rser.2010.07.027]
Book chapters:
- Singh, R.M. and Sani, A.K. (2017). Ground source heat pump (GSHP) technology: an overview. Managing global warming, an interface of technology and human issues. Letcher, T.M. (ed), Elsevier. 455-486.
- Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M., and Faizal, M. (2015). Full Scale Geothermal Energy Pile Studies at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. ASME press, Book: Thermoactive Foundations for Sustainable Buildings. (doi:10.1115/ 1.861059_ch3)
- Bouazza, A., Wang, B. and Singh, R.M. (2013). Soil effective thermal conductivity from energy pile thermal tests. Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics. Manassero et al. (eds), CRC/Balkema, 211-219.
- Rouf, M.A., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A., and Rowe, R.K. (2013). Geosynthetic clay liner gas permeability relationship with moisture content and suction under pre-conditioning stresses. Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics. Manassero et al. (eds), CRC/Balkema, 435-441.
Conference or Workshop Item:
- Sani, A.K., Singh, R.M., Cavarretta, I., Tsuha C.H.C. and Bhattacharya S. (2018). Inlet and outlet pipe heat interaction in contiguous flight auger (CFA) pile. International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, Lausanne, Switzerland. 113–122.
- Singh, R.M. and Valancius, R. (2018). Future trends for heat pump usage: energy piles, energy walls and energy tunnels. Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference Advanced Construction, Kaunas, Lithuania. 38-39.
- Al-Neama, A.I. and Singh, R.M. (2018). Numerical study of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of geothermal energy pile. Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference Advanced Construction, Kaunas, Lithuania. 98-99.
- Valancius, R., Cerneckiene, J. and Singh, R.M. (2018). Review of Combined Solar Thermal and Heat Pump Systems Installations in Lithuanian Hospitals. 12th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry, Rapperswil, Switzerland. (doi:10.18086/eurosun2018.01.06)
- Sani, A.K., Singh, R.M., Cavarretta, I. and Bhattacharya S. (2018). Heat storage performance of a pile heat exchanger installed in partially saturated swelling clay. 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Hong Kong.
- Olawoore, I.O., Singh, R.M. and Bhattacharya, S. (2018). Study of thermal performance enhancement in geothermal energy pile 15th BGA Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Symposium, Surrey, UK. 5-6.
- Sani, A.K., Singh, R.M. and Cavarretta, I. (2018). Numerical investigation on the performance of geothermal energy contiguous flight auger (CFA) pile. 15th BGA Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Symposium, Surrey, UK. 69–70.
- Ogunleye, O. and Singh, R.M. (2018).Analysis of geothermal energy utilisation in underground tunnel. 15th BGA Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Symposium, Surrey, UK. 71–72.
- Sani, A.K., Singh, R.M. and Cavarretta, I. (2017). Ground thermal response to a pile heat exchanger subjected to heating load. Proceedings 2nd Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG2), Leeds, UK.
- Demirci, H.E., Bhattacharya, S. and Singh, R.M. (2017). A review of the behaviour of buried continuous pipelines crossing faults. 3rd International soil-structure interaction symposium, Izmir, Turkey.
- Demirci, H.E., Bhattacharya, S., Karamitros, D., Alexander, N., Singh, R.M., Mahoney, W. and Draper, F. (2017). Scaled model of buried pipelines crossing faults. 4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Eskisehir, Turkey.
- Rouf, M. A.,Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M., Gates, W. P. and Rowe, R. K.(2015). Gas migration through geomembrane/ geosynthetic clay liner composite liner with a defect in the geomembrane. The 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication. 2(57): 1972-1977. (doi:10.3208/jgssp.TC215- 07)
- Faizal, M., Bouazza, A. and Singh, R.M. (2015). An experimental investigation of the influence of intermittent and continuous operating modes on the thermal behaviour of a full scale geothermal energy pile. International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, Barcelona. 1st ed. Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria del Terreny, Cartogràfica i Geofísica.
- Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A., Wang, B., Haberfield, C., Baycan, S. and Carden, Y. (2015). Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Response of a Geothermal Energy Pile. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia. 19-25.
- Faizal, M., Bouazza, A. and Singh, R.M. (2015). Ocean Thermal and Geothermal Energy: An Overview of Technologies and Systems. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia.
- Rouf, M. A., Bouazza, A., Singh, R. M., Gates, W. P. and Rowe, R. K. (2015). Gas diffusion coefficient and gas permeability of an unsaturated geosynthetic clay liner. Geosynthetics conference, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Ali, M.A., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A., Gates, W.P. and Rowe, R.K. (2014). Variation of total suction of a clayey soil with temperature. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Sydney, Australia, 849-855.
- Rouf, M.A., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A., Gates, W.P. and Rowe, R.K. (2014). Evaluation of a geosynthetic clay liner water retention curve using vapour equilibrium technique. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Sydney, Australia, 1003-1009.
- Bouazza, A., Wang, B. and Singh, R.M. (2013). Soil effective thermal conductivity from energy pile thermal tests. Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics. Manassero et al. (eds), CRC/Balkema, 211-219.
- Rouf, M.A., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A., and Rowe, R.K. (2013). Geosynthetic clay liner gas permeability relationship with moisture content and suction under pre-conditioning stresses. Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics. Manassero et al. (eds), CRC/Balkema, 435-441.
- Wang, B., Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M., Barry-Macaulay, D., Haberfield, C., Chapman, G. and Baycan, S. (2013). Field investigation of a geothermal energy pile: Initial observations. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris, France, 3415-3418.
- Gates, W.P., Yang, L., Singh, R.M. and Bouazza, A. (2012). Improving the swell index and fluid loss methods for compatibility testing of bentonites. Australian Regolith and Clays Conference, Mildura, Australia, 69-74.
- Wang, B., Bouazza, A., Barry-Macaulay, D., Singh, R.M., Haberfield, C., Chapman, G. and Baycan, S. (2012). Geothermal energy pile subjected to thermo-mechanical loading. ANZ 2012 Conference, Melbourne, 626-631.
- Choghri, M., Singh, R.M. and Bouazza, A. (2012). Saturated hydraulic conductivity of various engineering barriers. ANZ 2012 Conference, Melbourne, 662-667.
- Barry-Macaulay, D., Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M. and Wang, B. (2012). Thermal conductivity of Melbourne siltstone and sandstone. ANZ 2012 Conference, Melbourne, 632-637.
- Wang, B., Barry-Macaulay, D., Bouazza, A., Singh, R.M., Haberfield, C. and Baycan, S. (2012). Full-scaled geothermal energy pile subjected to thermo-mechanical loading. Geo-Congress Oakland, CA, USA.
- Barry-Macaulay, D., Bouazza, A. and Singh, R.M. (2011). Study of thermal properties of a basaltic clay. Geo-Frontiers 2011, Dallas, Texas USA, 480-487.
- Singh, R.M., Cleall, P. J. and Thomas, H. R. (2011). Experimental, theoretical and numerical study of thermal and hydraulic behavior of unsaturated swelling clays. 13th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG 13), Melbourne, Australia, 411-416.
- Acikel, A. S., Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A. and Gates, W. P. and Rowe, R.K. (2011). Water retention behavior of geosynthetics clay liners. 13th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG 13), Melbourne, Australia, May 2011, 626-630.
- Singh, R.M., Bouazza, A., Wang, B., Barry-Macaulay, D., Haberfield, C., Baycan, S., and Carden, Y. (2011). Goethermal Energy Pile: Thermal cum Static Load Testing. Australian Geothermal Energy Conference 2011, Melbourne, 245-248.
- Bouazza, A., Adam, D., Singh, R.M. and Ranjith, P. G. (2011). Direct Geothermal Energy from Geostructures. Australian Geothermal Energy Conference 2011, Melbourne, 21-24.
- Singh, R.M. and Bouazza, A. (2010). Determination of the soil-water characteristic curve for unsaturated expansive clays. 3rd International Conference on Problematic Soils, Adelaide, Australia, 303-310.
- Singh, R.M. and Do, N. Y. (2010). Heat transfer and moisture movement in swelling clay. Proceedings of the Twin International Conferences on 4th Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering and 7th Ground Improvement Techniques, Seoul, South Korea, 277-284.
- Singh, R.M. and Bouazza, A. (2010). Modelling of thermo-hydraulic behavior of compacted MX-80 bentonite. Proceedings of 5th New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics (NFCOMGEO V), Brisbane, Australia, 139-143.
- Singh, R.M. Daniel, G. and Bouazza, A. (2010). Transient state method of thermal conductivity determination. Proceedings of 5th New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics (NFCOMGEO V), Brisbane, Australia, 159-162.
- Singh, R.M. (2010). Numerical simulation of thermo-hydraulic behaviour of unsaturated swelling clays. Proceedings of the 11th IAEG Congress, Auckland, NZ. Geologically Active - Williams et al. (eds), 3571-3578.
- Singh, R.M. and Bouazza, A. (2010). Comparison of laboratory methods of thermal conductivity measurement. Proceedings of the 11th IAEG Congress, Auckland, NZ. Geologically Active - Williams et al. (eds), 2467-2473.
- Singh, R.M. and Bouazza, A. (2010). Thermal and mechanical behavior of selected Australian soils. Proceedings of ISSMGE’s 6th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, New Delhi, India, 1478-1481.
- Singh, R.M., Thomas, H.R. and Cleall, P.J. (2010). Heat and mass migration in MX-80 bentonite subjected to thermo-hydraulic gradient. Proceedings of ISSMGE’s 6th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, New Delhi, India, 1650-1653.
- Singh, R.M. and Bouazza, A. (2010). Geothermal energy pile for heating and cooling a building. 6th Tri-University Workshop on Advanced Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 39.
- Cleall, P.J., Singh, R.M., Do, N.Y. and Thomas, H. R. (2006). An experimental study of moisture movement due to thermal and thermo-hydraulic gradients in clays. Proceedings of ISSMGE’s 5th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Cardiff, Vol. 1, 693-700.
- Singh, R.M. and Venkatappa Rao, G. (2006). Sustainable development: Durability of natural geotextiles as erosion control product. Proceedings of ISSMGE’s 5th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Cardiff, Vol. 2, 1060-1067.
- Singh, R.M. and Bouazza, A. (2012). Experimental and numerical investigation of composite liner containing hot brine. Technical report, 41 p.
- Singh, R.M. and Bouazza, A. (2012). Hydraulic conductivity of a GCL subjected to hot brine. Technical report, 7 p.
- Bouazza, A. and Singh, R.M. (2011). Geothermal foundation system for heating and cooling of buildings. Technical report, 29 p.
- Thomas, H. R., Singh, R.M., and Vardon, P. J. (2009). THM modelling of full CRT. THERESA project, Work Package 4, Deliverable 12, 43 p.
- Thomas, H. R., Singh, R.M., and Vardon, P. J. (2008). THM modelling of engineered buffer at canister mid height related to CRT. Technical report THERESA project, 28 p.
- Thomas, H. R., Singh, R.M., Vardon, P. J. and Seetharam, S. C. (2008). THM modeling of three designated laboratory benchmarks. Technical report THERESA project, 52 p.
- Thomas, H. R., Singh, R.M. and Seetharam, S. C. (2008). Theoretical formulation - Improvements and implementation in COMPASS code. Technical auditing report THERESA project, 20 p.
- Thomas, H. R., Singh, R.M. and Seetharam, S. C. (2008). Improvement to the existing THMC formulation. Constitutive model improvement report THERESA project, 41 p.
- Thomas, H. R., Singh, R.M. and Seetharam, S. C. (2007). General features of COMPASS code and mathematical representation of constitutive models. Technical auditing report THERESA project, 19 p.
- Cleall, P.J., Singh, R.M., and Thomas, H. R. (2007). Thermal and thermo-hydraulic tests on compacted bentonite: Experimental results and model development. Technical report NF-Pro (European Commission project), 86 p.
- Cleall, P. J., Singh, R.M., and Thomas, H. R. (2006). Thermal and thermo-hydraulic tests on compacted bentonite: Experimental set-up and initial results. Technical report NF-Pro (European Commission project), 25 p.
Yozy Kepdib, Melissa Fabiola;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Madiai, Claudia;
Facciorusso, Johann Antonio.
Heating and cooling geothermal systems in urban settings: The potential of energy micropiles.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Singh, Rao Martand.
A steel joint for driven precast concrete geothermal energy pile foundations.
Invention Disclosure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chen, Xiaohui;
Abuel-Naga, Hossam;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Leong, Eng-Choon.
Editorial: Physical–chemical coupling in environmental geotechnics.
Environmental Geotechnics
Yozy Kepdib, Melissa Fabiola;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Madiai, Claudia;
Facciorusso, Johann Antonio.
"The potential of energy micropiles as energy geostructures" in book "Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society".
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Jalali, Ramin;
Singh, Rao Martand.
A review of borehole thermal energy storage and its integration into district heating systems.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Sezer, Taha;
Sani, Abubakar Kawuwa;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Cui, Liang;
Boon, David P.;
Woods, Michael.
Numerical investigation of a district scale groundwater heat pump system: A case study from Colchester, UK.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Adrinek, Simona;
Janža, Mitja;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Influence of Geology, Hydrogeology, and Climate on Ground Source Heat Pump Distribution in Slovenia and Selected European Countries.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, Gunwant;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Durability and cost analysis of a soil stabilized with alkali-activated wastes: fly ash and eggshell powder.
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Singh, Rao Martand.
A novel joint for driven concrete geothermal energy pile foundations.
Engineering structures
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Casting and installation of segmental precast quadratic concrete driven geothermal energy piles.
Symposium on Energy Geotechnics 2023
Valančius, Rokas;
Černeckienė, Jurgita;
Jurelionis, Andrius;
Aresti, Lazaros;
Rman, Nina;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Analysis of the Wider Potential for Heat Pump and Geothermal Energy Integration in Traditional Systems and Grids.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sezer, Taha;
Sani, Abubakar Kawuwa;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Cui, Liang.
Numerical Investigation and Optimization of a District-Scale Groundwater Heat Pump System.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sezer, Taha;
Sani, Abubakar Kawuwa;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Cui, Liang.
Laboratory Investigation of Impact of Injection–Abstraction Rate and Groundwater Flow Velocity on Groundwater Heat Pump Performance.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Acikel, A.S.;
Bouazza, A.;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Gates, W.P.;
Rowe, R.K..
Challenges of the filter paper suction measurements in geosynthetic clay liners: Effects of method, time, capillarity, and hysteresis.
Geotechnical Testing Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
López-Acosta, Norma Patricia;
Portillo-Arreguín, Diana Margarita;
Barba-Galdámez, David Francisco;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Thermal properties of soft clayey soils from the former Lake Texcoco in Mexico.
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Driven precast concrete geothermal energy piles: Current state of knowledge.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, Gunwant;
Singh, Rao Martand.
A Comprehensive Review of Development and Properties of Flyash-Based Geopolymer as a Sustainable Construction Material.
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Adrinek, Simona;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Janža, Mitja;
Żeruń, Mateusz;
Ryżyński, Grzegorz.
Evaluation of thermal conductivity estimation models with laboratory-measured thermal conductivities of sediments.
Environmental Earth Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Ijaz, Amir;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Current status of heat pumps in Norway and analysis of their performance and payback time.
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, Gunwant;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Morphology and microstructure of waste material-based geopolymer with flyash, eggshell powder, and soft soil.
Materials Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skurtveit, Elin;
Roberts, Daniel;
Kühn, Daniela;
Hindriks, Kees K.;
Ringrose, Philip;
Larsen, Tine.
Improved quantification of CO2 storage containment risks - an overview of the SHARP Storage project.
16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 2022 (GHGT-16)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sani, Abubakar Kawuwa;
Olawoore, Isaac Olaniyi;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Assessment of impregnating phase change materials into lightweight aggregates for development of thermal energy storage aggregate composites.
Construction and Building Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sani, Abubakar Kawuwa;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Long-term thermal performance of group of energy piles in unsaturated soils under cyclic thermal loading.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prajapati, Kishan Kumar;
Yadav, Monika;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Parikh, Priti;
Pareek, Nidhi;
Vivekanand, Vivekanand.
An overview of municipal solid waste management in Jaipur city, India - Current status, challenges and recommendations.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shrestha, S.;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Vicari, Hervè.
Effect of forest on debris flow.
Teetzmann, A.;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Vicari, Hervè.
Influence of earth pressure coefficients on numerical simulations in RAMMS.
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, Gunwant;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Microstructural and morphological development of eggshell powder and flyash-based geopolymers.
Construction and Building Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ogunleye, Oluwaseun;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Cecinato, Francesco.
Assessing the thermal efficiency of energy tunnels using numerical methods and Taguchi statistical approach.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Acikel, Asli;
Bouazza, Abdelmalek;
Gates, Will;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Rowe, Kerry.
A novel transient gravimetric monitoring technique implemented to GCL osmotic suction control.
Geotextiles and Geomembranes
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, Gunwant;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Potential Application of Heat Cured Eggshell Powder and Flyash-Based Geopolymer in Pavement Construction.
International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, G;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Durability analysis of eggshell powder–flyash geopolymer composite subjected to wetting–drying cycles.
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Morais, T.D.S.O;
Tsuha, C.H.C.;
Neto, L.A.B;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Effects of Seasonal variations on the thermal response of energy piles in an unsaturated Brazilian tropical soil.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ogunleye, Oluwaseun;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Cecinato, Francesco;
Choi, Jung Chan.
Effect of intermittent operation on the thermal efficiency of energy tunnels under varying tunnel air temperature.
Renewable Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mosleh, Mojgan Hadi;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Environmental Geotechnics
Yozy Kepdib, Melissa Fabiola;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Madiai, Claudia;
Facciorusso, Johann Antonio.
Heating and cooling geothermal systems in urban settings: The potential of energy micropiles.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Singh, Rao Martand.
A steel joint for driven precast concrete geothermal energy pile foundations.
Invention Disclosure
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Chen, Xiaohui;
Abuel-Naga, Hossam;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Leong, Eng-Choon.
Editorial: Physical–chemical coupling in environmental geotechnics.
Environmental Geotechnics
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Jalali, Ramin;
Singh, Rao Martand.
A review of borehole thermal energy storage and its integration into district heating systems.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Sezer, Taha;
Sani, Abubakar Kawuwa;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Cui, Liang;
Boon, David P.;
Woods, Michael.
Numerical investigation of a district scale groundwater heat pump system: A case study from Colchester, UK.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Adrinek, Simona;
Janža, Mitja;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Influence of Geology, Hydrogeology, and Climate on Ground Source Heat Pump Distribution in Slovenia and Selected European Countries.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, Gunwant;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Durability and cost analysis of a soil stabilized with alkali-activated wastes: fly ash and eggshell powder.
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Singh, Rao Martand.
A novel joint for driven concrete geothermal energy pile foundations.
Engineering structures
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Casting and installation of segmental precast quadratic concrete driven geothermal energy piles.
Symposium on Energy Geotechnics 2023
Valančius, Rokas;
Černeckienė, Jurgita;
Jurelionis, Andrius;
Aresti, Lazaros;
Rman, Nina;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Analysis of the Wider Potential for Heat Pump and Geothermal Energy Integration in Traditional Systems and Grids.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sezer, Taha;
Sani, Abubakar Kawuwa;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Cui, Liang.
Numerical Investigation and Optimization of a District-Scale Groundwater Heat Pump System.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sezer, Taha;
Sani, Abubakar Kawuwa;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Cui, Liang.
Laboratory Investigation of Impact of Injection–Abstraction Rate and Groundwater Flow Velocity on Groundwater Heat Pump Performance.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Acikel, A.S.;
Bouazza, A.;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Gates, W.P.;
Rowe, R.K..
Challenges of the filter paper suction measurements in geosynthetic clay liners: Effects of method, time, capillarity, and hysteresis.
Geotechnical Testing Journal
Vitenskapelig artikkel
López-Acosta, Norma Patricia;
Portillo-Arreguín, Diana Margarita;
Barba-Galdámez, David Francisco;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Thermal properties of soft clayey soils from the former Lake Texcoco in Mexico.
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Driven precast concrete geothermal energy piles: Current state of knowledge.
Building and Environment
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, Gunwant;
Singh, Rao Martand.
A Comprehensive Review of Development and Properties of Flyash-Based Geopolymer as a Sustainable Construction Material.
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Adrinek, Simona;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Janža, Mitja;
Żeruń, Mateusz;
Ryżyński, Grzegorz.
Evaluation of thermal conductivity estimation models with laboratory-measured thermal conductivities of sediments.
Environmental Earth Sciences
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sadeghi, Habibollah;
Ijaz, Amir;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Current status of heat pumps in Norway and analysis of their performance and payback time.
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, Gunwant;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Morphology and microstructure of waste material-based geopolymer with flyash, eggshell powder, and soft soil.
Materials Letters
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Skurtveit, Elin;
Roberts, Daniel;
Kühn, Daniela;
Hindriks, Kees K.;
Ringrose, Philip;
Larsen, Tine.
Improved quantification of CO2 storage containment risks - an overview of the SHARP Storage project.
16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 2022 (GHGT-16)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sani, Abubakar Kawuwa;
Olawoore, Isaac Olaniyi;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Assessment of impregnating phase change materials into lightweight aggregates for development of thermal energy storage aggregate composites.
Construction and Building Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Sani, Abubakar Kawuwa;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Long-term thermal performance of group of energy piles in unsaturated soils under cyclic thermal loading.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Prajapati, Kishan Kumar;
Yadav, Monika;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Parikh, Priti;
Pareek, Nidhi;
Vivekanand, Vivekanand.
An overview of municipal solid waste management in Jaipur city, India - Current status, challenges and recommendations.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, Gunwant;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Microstructural and morphological development of eggshell powder and flyash-based geopolymers.
Construction and Building Materials
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ogunleye, Oluwaseun;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Cecinato, Francesco.
Assessing the thermal efficiency of energy tunnels using numerical methods and Taguchi statistical approach.
Applied Thermal Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Acikel, Asli;
Bouazza, Abdelmalek;
Gates, Will;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Rowe, Kerry.
A novel transient gravimetric monitoring technique implemented to GCL osmotic suction control.
Geotextiles and Geomembranes
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, Gunwant;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Potential Application of Heat Cured Eggshell Powder and Flyash-Based Geopolymer in Pavement Construction.
International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Shekhawat, Poonam;
Sharma, G;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Durability analysis of eggshell powder–flyash geopolymer composite subjected to wetting–drying cycles.
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Morais, T.D.S.O;
Tsuha, C.H.C.;
Neto, L.A.B;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Effects of Seasonal variations on the thermal response of energy piles in an unsaturated Brazilian tropical soil.
Energy and Buildings
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ogunleye, Oluwaseun;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Cecinato, Francesco;
Choi, Jung Chan.
Effect of intermittent operation on the thermal efficiency of energy tunnels under varying tunnel air temperature.
Renewable Energy
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Mosleh, Mojgan Hadi;
Singh, Rao Martand.
Environmental Geotechnics
Yozy Kepdib, Melissa Fabiola;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Madiai, Claudia;
Facciorusso, Johann Antonio.
"The potential of energy micropiles as energy geostructures" in book "Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society".
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Shrestha, S.;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Vicari, Hervè.
Effect of forest on debris flow.
Teetzmann, A.;
Singh, Rao Martand;
Vicari, Hervè.
Influence of earth pressure coefficients on numerical simulations in RAMMS.
Vitenskapelig foredragYozy Kepdib, Melissa Fabiola; Singh, Rao Martand; Madiai, Claudia; Facciorusso, Johann Antonio. (2024) Numerical study of the thermall performance of energy micropiles in Nordic region. Nordic Geotechnical Meeting 2024 , Goteborg 2024-09-18 - 2024-09-20
PosterGrande, Lars; Forsberg, Carl Fredrik; Mondol, Md Nazmul Haque; Skurtveit, Elin; Singh, Rao Martand; Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali. (2023) Impact of sediment composition, glacial loading and uplift on ground stresses in the Horda-Platform area. SINTEF / NTNU TCCS 12 , Trondheim 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-21
Vitenskapelig foredragSani, Abubakar; Singh, Rao Martand. (2020) Numerical investigation of the performance of geothermal energy piles under different soil moisture conditions. . EGU General Assembly 2020-05-04 - 2020-05-08
Vitenskapelig foredragShekhawat, Poonam; Sharma, Gunwant; Singh, Rao Martand. (2019) Compaction and Strength Characteristics of Eggshell Powder and Flyash Based Geopolymer. . NIT Warangal Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development , Warangal 2019-09-13 - 2020-09-15