Fadia Dakka
Reading Time. A phenomenological exploration of reading habits, rhythms and practices in doctoral education in the UK and Norway.
This project examines the under-researched area of reading habits, rhythms and practices among doctoral students in the UK and Norway.
International Human Rights Law and Time-Space: A Rythmanalysis of Prosecuting Search and Rescue’, in The Times and Temporalities of International Human Rights Law (McNeilly, K.; Warwick, B. eds.), Hart Publishing
Dakka, Davitti (2022)
Dakka, F. (2021) ‘Rhythm and the Possible: Moments, Anticipation and Dwelling in the Contemporary University’, in Inquiring into Academic Timescapes (Filip Vostal ed.), Emerald publishing Ltd.
Dakka, F. (2021)
Dakka, F., Smith, R. (2019) ‘An Exploration of Rhythms in the Contemporary Academy: Time, Space and Affect’, in edited volume Theory and Method in Higher Education Research, Vol. 5 2019 (Jeroen Huisman, Malcolm Tight eds.), pp. 153-171.
Dakka, Smith (2019)
Dakka, F. (2015) ‘Differentiation without Diversity. The political economy of higher education transformation’, in The Palgrave International Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance.
Dakka, 2015 (chapter 18)
Dakka, F., Forkert, K., McKeon, E., Robinson, J., Sergeant, I. (guest editors) (2023) ‘Voice and Listening as Techniques of Political Life’, Special Issue Journal of Sonic Studies
Dakka, (2023)
Dakka, F., Wade, A. (2023), ‘Postgraduate Research in a Sick Society’, Special Issue ‘Sociological perspectives on the mental health and wellbeing agenda in education’, Research Papers in Education
Dakka, Wade (2023)
Mental Health and Wellbeing; Universities
Bohm, C., Dakka, F., Morini, L. (2022) ‘Academic Activism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities’, Special Issue PTHE .
Dakka (2022)
Dakka, F. (2019) ‘Competition, innovation and diversity in higher education: dominant discourses, paradoxes and resistance’, British Journal of Sociology of Education.
Dakka (2019)
Competition, Universities, Neoliberalism