Page 8 - SAMCoT_2013

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In addition the CMG advises supports and enforces
the mandates of different SAMCoT bodies, such as the
Exploitation and Innovation Advisory Committee (EIAC).
The EIAC was constituted to stimulate the Centre’s
innovative thinking, to achieve SAMCoT’s objective of
being a facilitator for innovation. The EIAC monitors
project results with respect to potential for commercial
exploitation. Furthermore it makes recommendations
to the SAMCoT Board in relation to the CTR plans initially
designed by the CMG. These efforts could also result
in additional spin-off projects (SAMCoT Associated
SAMCoT has proven to be a Global Arctic Technology
Hub by adding one new member in 2013 and initiating/
implementing a number of `Associated Projects´ with
a more concrete focus on innovation. These projects
are run in close collaboration with SAMCoT Industry
Partners who provide additional financial support for
their implementation. The Oden Arctic Technology
Research Cruise 2013 (OATRC2013) is a clear example;
an innovative and exciting research programme ran with
full funding from Statoil. The cruise allowed 32 partici-
pants (mostly SAMCoT PhDs/researchers) to collect
valuable full-scale data.
On September 19th the Research Council of Norway paid
its annual Site Visit to SAMCoT. The visit was a success
and the feedback to the Centre on the work done in the
period from Sept. 2012 to Sept. 2013 was very positive.
The Research Council of Norway at SAMCoT´s Site Visit in 2013. From the RCN Eirik Normann, Liv Jorunn Jenssen,
Marianne Nereng, Kimberly Mayes. From SAMCoT: Representatives to the CMG (Centre Director and Coordinator, Work
Packages Leaders); Jukka Tuhkuri (Aalto University, SAC Member); Hilde Benedikte Østlund (Kværner, EIAC Member);
Carl Christian Thodesen (NTNU); Ruth Hagen Rødde (NTNU); Fred Skancke Hansen and Martin Indreiten (UNIS, SAMCoT
Photos page 8: SAMCoT