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experience at the same time, and that can be used in contexts
that cannot be directed or controlled as in regular experimental
For the development of the field of knowledge, it is necessary
that contacts and collaborations between different academic
disciplines and industrial branches are deepened and consoli-
dated. To achieve this, it is essential that different professions
learn something about each other’s specific language and way
of thinking. Multi-disciplinary and multi-professional education
on colour – light – space as a coherent field of knowledge should
be given high priority. Introductory elements regarding this field
should be part of a number of educations on different levels,
dealing with such as architecture, design, lighting planning
and painting. To achieve a critical mass of sufficiently initiated
people there is also a great need for more coherent education,
for example colour and light design on advanced level (master
and doctorate) for students who have already a relevant basic
Sources – journals and conference proceedings
Research journals 2006-2011, without explicit focus on colour or
(None of these journals had any article about spatial interaction
between colour and light)
- Swedish Design Research Journal
- Nordic Journal of Architectural Research
- Journal of Design Research (JDR)
- International Journal of Design
- Design Research Journal
- Point. Art and design research journal
- Design Studies)
- Journal of Architectural and Planning Research
- International Journal of Architectural Research
- arq: Architectural Research Quarterly
- Architectural Design Research
- Architectural Science Review
Research journals 2006-2011 with explicit focus on colour
- Color Research and Application
- Colour Design and Creativity
Research journals 2006-2011 with explicit focus on light
- Lighting research and technology
- Journal of Light & Visual Environment
- LEUKOS – the Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society
of North America
Proceedings from conferences arranged by AIC (International
Colour Association)
- 2006 Colour in Culture and Colour in Fashion (Johannesburg,
South Africa)
- 2007 Colour Science for Industry (Hangzhou, China)
- 2008 Colour – Effects and Affects (Stockholm, Sweden)
- 2009 AIC 11:th congress (Sydney, Australia)
- 2010 Colour and Food – from the Farm to the Table
(Mar del Plata, Argentina)
- 2011 Interaction of Colour and Light in the Arts and Sciences
(Zürich, Switzerland)
Proceedings from conferences and symposia arranged by CIE
(International Commission on Illumination)
- 2006 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on Light and Health
(Ottawa, Canada)
- 2006 CIE Expert Symposium on Visual Appearance (Paris, France)
- 2007 CIE Session and World Conference (Beijing, China)
- 2010 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on Appearance:
When Appearance meats Lighting (Gent, Belgium)
- 2010 Lighting Qualitiy and Energy Efficiency (Wien, Austria)
- 2011 CIE Session and World Conference (Sun City, South Afrika)
Proceedings (or notes from personal attendence) from other
relevant conferences
- 2009 Experiencing Light, International Conference on the
Effects of Light on Wellbeing (arr.Eindhoven University of
Technology, the Netherlands)
- 2009 Seminário Internacional: Cor – Arquitectura e Design
(arr. Universidade Luisíada de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal)
Colour and light in architecture
(arr. Università Iuav di Venezia, Venice, Italy)
2009, 2010 and 2011
. Ceebel - Centrum för energieffektiv
belysning (Center for energy efficient illumination)
conferences in Katrineholm, Sweden.