Page 120 - NordicLightAndColour_2012

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Figure 19. Answers to the questionnaire about striped models - Part 1- “Do
you experience the room to be dark or bright?” Unit of measurements is the
amount of answers (mark at a certain cell of a scale from very dark to very
bright. Total amount of the observers: 32.
Figure 20 Answers to the questionnaire about striped models - Part
2 - “Which room has the highest light level? (Put them into descending
order)” The unit of measurement is a percentage relative to the total
number of observers (32). 1: the room with the highest light level, 3: the
room with the lowest light level.
Figure 21. Answers to the questionnaire about striped models - Part 2
- “Which room has the most comfortable lighting? (Put them into descen-
ding order)” The unit of measurement is a percentage relative to the total
number of observers (32). 1: room with the most comfortable lighting, 3:
room with the least comfortable lighting.
Figure 22. Answers to the questionnaire about striped models - Part 2 -
“Your personal preferences among these rooms (in lighting) Why? (Put
them into descending order)” The unit of measurement is a percentage
relative to the total number of observers (32). 1: the most preferable
room, 3: the least preferable room.