
NEVR3040 - Selvstudium i nevrovitenskap 1

Om emnet


Vurderingsordning: Muntlig
Karakter: Bokstavkarakterer

Vurdering Vekting Varighet Delkarakter Hjelpemidler
Muntlig 100/100 30 minutter

Faglig innhold

The course is meant to deepen the student’s knowledge of a particular topic pertaining to the biological foundation of behaviour and cognition. They are expected to assemble a list of relevant literature (from ~20 sources, including scientific articles, reviews and/or book chapters) and give an informed lecture on a topic. These could range from, but are not limited to, the neural mechanisms of sleep, motivation, learning and memory, language, attention, perception, or emotions. Other topics may include disease themes (e.g. stroke, dementia); a critical review of new developments in neuroscience methodologies (new techniques, etc.); computational themes, e.g. neuroinformatics, applied statistics, network models of brain function. Additional topics are welcome but must be approved by the course administrator.


After completing the course the student:

  1. can give an up-to-date oral presentation of any topic in neuroscience by reading relevant literature;
  2. can understand and discuss scientific papers in neuroscience, be critical and constructive, and be able to suggest alternative experiments;
  3. has sufficient knowledge to answer broader questions in neuroscience without reading books or papers first.

Læringsformer og aktiviteter

Private study. The student selects the appropriate reading list (if needed they can do this with their supervisor). Students in the MSc Neuroscience program can gauge the target breadth by referring to lectures given in one of the master’s level courses in the MSc Neuroscience program (NEVR3001, NEVR3002, NEVR3003, NEVR3004). The language of examination is English.

  1. The reading list shall contain approximately 20 papers (not less than 18, not more than 21) and must be approved by the course coordinator.
  2. In the reading list, the student will include a short (one sentence) statement under each paper describing the relevance of that paper to the topic.
  3. The student delivers a 30-minute presentation followed by an open discussion on the topic, usually lasting 15 minutes.

Mer om vurdering

The exam is in the form of a presentation, where the student delivers a 30-minute lecture, leaving 15 minutes for a post-lecture discussion with the examiners. The lecture should NOT be an open-ended survey of literature, but instead focus on a particular theme or debate within a sub-field of current neuroscience. The discussion will provide an informal opportunity to answer questions related to the lecture and to the field of neuroscience in general.

Spesielle vilkår

Krever opptak til studieprogram:
Neuroscience (MSNEUR)


Admission to a programme of study is required: Neuroscience (MSNEUR)


The student selects the appropriate reading list themselves or with their advisor.

After the deadline for course registration is passed, the student will be contacted by an administrator providing information on submission of reading list and the exam date.

The topics may be based on the students own preferences, as long as the presentation topic is approved by the course coordinator.


Emnekode Reduksjon Fra Til
NEVR3050 7.5 HØST 2008
Flere sider om emnet


Fakta om emnet

Versjon: 1
Studiepoeng:  7.5 SP
Studienivå: Høyere grads nivå


Termin nr.: 1
Undervises:  HØST 2023

Termin nr.: 2
Undervises:  HØST 2023

Termin nr.: 2
Undervises:  VÅR 2024

Termin nr.: 1
Undervises:  VÅR 2024

Undervisningsspråk: Engelsk

Sted: Trondheim

  • Nevrovitenskap
  • Medisin

Ansvarlig enhet
Kavliinstitutt for nevrovitenskap


Vurderingsordning: Muntlig

Termin Statuskode Vurdering Vekting Hjelpemidler Dato Tid Eksamens- system Rom *
Høst ORD Muntlig 100/100 INSPERA
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
Vår ORD Muntlig 100/100
Rom Bygning Antall kandidater
  • * Skriftlig eksamen plasseres på rom 3 dager før eksamensdato. Hvis mer enn ett rom er oppgitt, finner du ditt rom på Studentweb.

For mer info om oppmelding til og gjennomføring av eksamen, se "Innsida - Eksamen"

Mer om eksamen ved NTNU