Traffic safety – a local and global problem

Traffic safety – a local and global problem

Why traffic safety? Children riding bicycles

Road traffic accidents (RTA) are a major public health problem worldwide. WHO estimates the number of people killed in road traffic accidents each year to be 1.2 million and the number of injured 50 million. As a global killer, road traffic is in the same level as tuberculosis. Among 5 to 44 year olds, RTA is among the three most common reasons of premature death. The burden of road deaths is, however, unequally distributed among regions: 90% of road traffic accident deaths occur in low-income and middle-income countries. WHO predicts road traffic accident deaths to increase from 2002 until 2020 by 83% in low and middle-income countries whereas a decrease of 27% can be expected in high-income countries.

In this village, traffic safety as a societal problem will be addressed by using multidisciplinary approach. This requires collaboration of experts representing different fields like, behavioral and social sciences, engineering, city planning, education, and health sciences. 

Relevant competence

This village is for students from different disciplines, who are ready work in a truly multidisciplinary team. Students participating this village should be interested in using their expertise in solving public health problems both locally and globally. Students are expected to contribute as the experts of their own discipline. The language of the village is English, which requires ability to communicate well in English.

About the village

Possible topics:
  • How can we promote children's traffic safety by using multidisciplinary approach? 
  • Elderly citizens in traffic.
  • How to match ecological aspects and safety in road traffic?
  • How to increase the use of public transport, walking and bicycle use?
  • How to increase the use of bicycle helmets among teenagers and adults?
  • Alcohol and fatigue as major road safety problems in industrialized countries.
  • Traffic safety and culture.
  • Traffic safety and design in developing countries.

info psy3807

Course code: PSY3807
Village title: Traffic Safety
Type: Intensive
Language: English
Village supervisor: Timo Lajunen
Contact information:
Semester: Spring 2020

Infoboks nettpresentasjoner

Viktig informasjon om EiT:

  • Det unike med EiT er fokuset på samarbeidskompetanse og gruppeprosesser.
  • Undervisningsformen i EiT forutsetter at alle bidrar og er til stede hele semesteret. Derfor er det obligatorisk tilstedeværelse hver landsbydag.
  • I motsetning til mange emner er spesielt de første dagene viktig i EiT. Det er da dere i gruppa blir kjent med hverandre, og diskuterer hva hver enkelt kan bidra med. Dere skal også utarbeide den obligatoriske samarbeidsavtalen, samt begynne å utarbeide en felles problemstilling.
  • Utfyllende informasjon om Eksperter i team finner du på siden for studenter.