Traffic management


Traffic management



Fixed link projects have huge impacts on the travel times across fjords, and will remove the potential irregularity of a ferry. This alters the choice possibilities for the people in the nearby area, regarding where to live and where to work. It connects the communities in a new way, and increase the potential for the commercial activities and industry along the coast.

The budget required for the fixed links projects along the E39 are considerable, and it is necessary to verify assumptions made in the transport analysis, least not to make more precise estimates for future project. 


Maria Diez Gutierrez, Stig Nyland Andersen and Øyvind Lervik Nilsen are the PhDs currently  in this work package. They colaborate on a project titled "Modelling impacts of ferry replancement projects". Supervisor is Trude Tørset.



Trude Tørset (WPL)
Associate Professor
Leader of WP2